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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Norton Shores, MI

Protect Oral Health With Third Molar Extraction

Many people develop third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, during the late teens or early twenties. Dental experts recommend having wisdom teeth extracted as soon as possible because the average adult mouth does not have room for an extra set of molars. Early extraction prevents these teeth from causing many problems, such as pain, overcrowding, and more.

Dr. Larson extracts wisdom teeth for teens and adults in the comfort of our office in Norton Shores, MI. We offer many anesthesia options for your comfort. As a dual-degree surgeon and physician, Dr. Larson closely monitors patient health and safety at all times to ensure a safe and smooth surgical experience. If you or your teen have wisdom teeth, contact Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants to schedule an appointment and to see if it’s time to have third molars extracted.

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Many people develop between one and four wisdom teeth. Most people do not have room for wisdom teeth and as these teeth try to squeeze into the dental arch, they can cause pain and other issues, including:

  • Infection
  • Cyst formation
  • Overcrowding
  • Damage to adjacent teeth
  • Bite problems

Having wisdom teeth removed early prevents these problems from having the chance to arise. We recommend having wisdom teeth removed as soon as they start to develop, which is usually around the age of 17. However, Dr. Larson extracts wisdom teeth for adults of all ages.

What Is an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

When there is not enough space for a wisdom tooth and its path of eruption is blocked, it is considered to be impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to infection, tooth decay, and gum disease. Because they cannot erupt naturally, they must be surgically extracted.

A fully impacted wisdom tooth is not visible and is completely trapped beneath the gums, while a partially impacted wisdom tooth is slightly visible because part of it has erupted. These teeth are difficult to clean and easily trap cavity-causing bacteria. Some impacted teeth grow sideways, damaging adjacent teeth or their roots. Having impacted wisdom teeth removed prevents them from causing further damage.

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

Some wisdom teeth cause pain, while others do not cause noticeable symptoms. Although wisdom teeth do not always cause discomfort, they can still threaten your oral health. Be sure to attend regular dental appointments, where your dentist will take X-rays of your mouth and refer you to an oral surgeon when it’s time to have wisdom teeth extracted. Signs and symptoms of wisdom teeth include:

  • Tender or swollen gums
  • Gums that easily bleed
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Headaches or jaw aches
  • Unpleasant taste when eating

If you notice any of these symptoms or can see or feel part of a wisdom tooth poking through the gums, it may be time to have third molars extracted. Contact Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants for an evaluation, and Dr. Larson will create a plan centered on your oral health needs.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

To ensure you feel as comfortable as possible, we offer many anesthesia and sedation options to choose from. Most patients undergo IV sedation for wisdom tooth surgery. With IV sedation, you will be unaware of the procedure and will not feel any pain, and you must arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home after the surgery.

At the consultation, Dr. Larson will review your current X-rays and may obtain a 3D scan of your mouth to assess the size and position of the wisdom teeth. Then, he will create a detailed plan to extract them and walk you through each step of the process, so you know exactly what to expect.

On the day of your procedure, we will administer the selected form of anesthesia. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, he will extract erupted wisdom teeth using forceps. To access impacted wisdom teeth, he will make a small incision in the gum tissue. Large molars are sometimes broken into smaller pieces to make removal easier. Once the wisdom teeth have been extracted we will place sutures as needed, and you will rest in our office until the anesthesia wears off.

Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Follow the post-operative instructions closely after your procedure. Some discomfort, bleeding, and swelling is normal after wisdom tooth extraction and will subside in a few days. You can expect to feel tired and rest for the remainder of the surgery day. Many patients return to their normal routines within a few days, although recovery for some may last up to two weeks.

Stick to soft foods as the surgical sites heal and try not to skip any meals. Taking nourishment regularly will help you feel better and heal faster. If you have questions at any point during your recovery, call our office and a member of our staff will be happy to help.

Types of Anesthesia

There are many anesthesia and sedation options available for oral surgery.

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal in Norton Shores, MI

The cost of having wisdom teeth removed is different for everyone. Several factors contribute to the total cost, including the number of wisdom teeth you have, your choice of anesthesia, your dental or medical insurance, and the complexity of the procedure. To find out how much your wisdom teeth removal would cost in Norton Shores, MI, contact Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants. We will perform an oral examination and provide you with a cost estimate during your first visit. Our office accepts many payment methods and financing to make wisdom tooth surgery more affordable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a dry socket?

A dry socket is a condition in which the blood clot forming within an empty tooth socket becomes dislodged. It is quite painful, as the underlying nerves and bone are revealed. You can prevent dry socket after wisdom teeth removal by not spitting, sucking on straws, smoking, or rinsing vigorously for 24 hours after your procedure. If you notice throbbing, radiating pain in the ear, jaw, teeth, head, or throat, or suspect a dry socket, contact our office so that we can assist you.

How long does wisdom teeth removal take?

It takes about one hour on average to extract wisdom teeth. This time may vary depending on how many wisdom teeth you have and how many of them are impacted.

Can I go to work or school the day after wisdom teeth removal?

We recommend taking at least one day off from work or school to heal from wisdom teeth removal. Many patients feel fine the next day and resume their normal routines, while others need an extra day or up to several weeks to recover. Be patient and give your body the time it needs to heal.

How do I prepare for wisdom teeth removal?

Follow your pre-operative instructions closely, as well as specific instructions provided by your oral surgeon. You should wear loose-fitting clothing and comfortable shoes on the day of your wisdom teeth extraction. If you will undergo IV sedation, do not eat or drink for 8 hours before your procedure. You cannot drive home after IV sedation, therefore it is your responsibility to arrange for a responsible adult to be present in the office during your procedure and drive you home after.

Committed to Surgical Excellence & Patient-Centered Care

We offer a broad scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery services at Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants. Contact our practice in Norton Shores, MI, where we provide patients in West Michigan with an unparalleled oral surgery experience.