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Tooth Extractions

Relieve Tooth Pain & Protect Oral Health

Adult teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but situations such as infection, dental trauma, or tooth decay may lead to extraction. Having a tooth extracted is a straightforward procedure that Dr. Larson and his team can complete in just a few minutes. If you are in severe tooth pain, have a damaged or broken tooth, or would like an evaluation of your oral health, contact Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants to schedule a consultation. In some cases, we can perform tooth extraction on the same day as the consultation.

Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Teeth are a crucial part of your oral and overall health, and dental professionals make every effort to save them in the event of trauma or infection. Some teeth are beyond the point of saving, and extraction is the recommended treatment to preserve your oral health. Extracting an infected tooth prevents the infection from spreading to other teeth and gums. Having a damaged or infected tooth extracted alleviates tooth pain instantly.

Here are some situations where tooth extraction may be necessary to improve your oral health:

  • To prepare for orthodontic treatment
  • When a child’s baby tooth will not fall out on its own
  • When a tooth is impacted and will not erupt properly
  • To prepare for an implant-supported denture or traditional denture
  • A tooth is severely damaged or decayed and cannot be repaired

Extracting a problematic tooth early prevents future infections and other dental issues from occurring. Dr. Larson can safely extract teeth for children, teenagers, and adults in the comfort of our office in Norton Shores, MI.

The Tooth Extraction Process

Having a tooth extracted is a quick procedure and, in cases of severe tooth pain, we can perform same-day extractions to provide relief. When you come in for a consultation, we will take 3D scans of your mouth to assess damage and evaluate the health of your teeth and gums. If extraction is necessary, we will discuss your anesthesia options. Tooth extraction typically only requires local anesthesia to numb the area, but we offer many options for your comfort.

After the area is numb and you are comfortable, Dr. Larson will gently remove the tooth using forceps. You may feel some pressure, but we make every effort to ensure you do not feel any pain. If a tooth is impacted, Dr. Larson will make a small incision in the gum tissue to access and extract the tooth.

If you have adequate jaw bone, you may qualify for same-day dental implants, which we can place immediately following tooth extraction. Dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth and prevent jaw bone loss by fusing to the jaw. By having a same-day implant placed, you do not have to go without a tooth and preserve jaw bone health and dental alignment.

Types of Anesthesia

There are many anesthesia and sedation options available for oral surgery.

Recovery After Tooth Extraction

We will provide you with post-operative instructions to follow after tooth extraction. Keep your mouth clean by gently rinsing with salt water and resume brushing your teeth the day after surgery. Use caution when brushing around the extraction site and use a soft toothbrush. You can control bleeding by biting down on gauze and leaving it in place for 60 minutes. Local anesthesia will numb the area for several hours. When the anesthetic wears off, you may control discomfort with over-the-counter pain medications.

If you experience pain or bleeding beyond what was expected, contact our office.

Tooth Replacement After Extraction

Having a tooth extracted can feel stressful, but the team at Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants is here to provide support and explain all of your options for replacing a tooth. There are several options to consider, and we will help you determine the right option for your oral health, restoration goals, and budget.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most lifelike tooth replacement option designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth. The implant post fuses to the jaw bone just like a natural tooth root, which prevents bone loss. There are no removable parts and no dietary restrictions, giving you the freedom to eat, speak, and smile with total comfort. When you properly care for a dental implant, it can last a lifetime.

Fixed Dental Bridges

A fixed bridge is cemented in place and relies on adjacent teeth for support. Dental bridges restore some functionality, but they are not as strong as a dental implant. The metal framework supporting the bridge may be difficult to clean around, and some patients find them uncomfortable. Fixed bridges can restore the appearance of your smile, but they do not prevent jaw bone loss. You should replace a dental bridge about every 10–15 years.

Removable Partial Denture

A removable denture has replacement teeth fixed to a plastic base with a clasp that attaches to your existing teeth. You must remove the denture to eat and brush your teeth, and some patients are instructed not to wear dentures at night. Dentures are often cheaper than bridges or implants, but they do not prevent bone loss and can cause sores when not professionally fitted. You should replace dentures as often as every few years.

Socket Preservation

Socket preservation is a type of bone grafting treatment that involves filling an empty tooth socket with a grafting material. This treatment preserves the socket’s size and shape and reduces bone loss. Socket preservation is a great option to consider if you plan on receiving a dental implant in the future because it maintains jaw bone health, making future implant placement easier.

No Replacement

You do not have to replace a tooth after it is extracted. However, a missing tooth can lead to jaw bone atrophy because there is no tooth root or implant post present to stimulate the jaw bone. When a tooth is missing, nearby teeth can shift into the open space, resulting in misalignment and bite problems.

Tooth Extraction in Norton Shores, MI

If you are experiencing severe tooth pain or dental trauma, contact Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants in Norton Shores, MI, and we will get you into the office as soon as possible. Dr. Larson will examine your condition and recommend extraction if the tooth is beyond the point of saving. We will walk you through the extraction process to make sure you feel comfortable and informed at every step.

Committed to Surgical Excellence & Patient-Centered Care

We offer a broad scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery services at Breakwater Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implants. Contact our practice in Norton Shores, MI, where we provide patients in West Michigan with an unparalleled oral surgery experience.